Hybrid Board Meetings

- 27 de setembro de 2023

The pandemic prompted non-profit organizations to reconsider the manner in which they conduct board meetings. Instead of sacrificing the health and safety of staff and board members certain nonprofits have turned to hybrid meeting formats that permit remote and in-person attendees. Hybrid board meetings can be frustrating for everyone if they’re not properly prepared and equipped with the right tools.

BoardPro, a collaborative online tool that allows you create comprehensive and efficient agendas. is the most efficient way to ensure a successful board meeting. An agenda that has clear goals and time limitations for discussions can help your board to stay on track and reach its goals in the time frame you have set. The tool also provides various features that make the meeting more interactive and productive, such as private mode, anonymous voting, and digital whiteboards.

Another crucial element of the hybrid meeting is a virtual voting system. This feature can eliminate social and geographic obstacles to increase diversity on your board, while making it easier to take part in the decision-making process for all participants. The BoardPro virtual voting feature lets you to speedily and accurately record votes online. It offers a non-disclosure voting option, so that sensitive decisions can still be made without compromising board integrity.

In addition, it’s important to provide remote participants with easy-to-use video technology that can improve the meeting experience. Some companies have self-focusing cameras, such as the Owl Labs’ self-focusing Meeting Owl that automatically zooms in on the person talking while displaying everyone else onscreen. This makes the meeting more enjoyable for people who aren’t physically in the room, and can help to reduce the feeling of isolation that many remote participants experience in meetings that are hybrid.


Written by wadminw